Leipzig – Stuck in Customs

Leipzig at Night

Photography Gadgets

I was checking out my website stats with Woopra yesterday, and I noticed that one of my most clicked links is that Green Cube On My Camera That Everyone Asks About. Funny! You would not believe how many people ask me about that in person. It’s a $7,000 camera, and all anyone wants to know about is the $9 green cube on top! Hehe…

I have a few more things I will add to the Photography Gadgets page as soon as I get some time… I actually don’t use a whole lot of stuff. I’m pretty bare bones. I keep a running list of my stuff in the HDR Camera equipment section here on the site as well.

Daily Photo – Leipzig at Night

When I was changing planes in Zurich, I had to go through some of the Customs run-around. It turns out that the customs officer was German. He asked where my ultimate destination was, and I said, “Leipzig”. I pronounced it “Leap-zig”.

“What?” he asked.

“Leap-Zig” I repeated, careful to annunciate each syllable.

“I have never heard of that.” he asked, regarding me suspiciously.

I was in a pickle. This guy was clearly German, as I could tell from his accent. I was a bit surprised because he was in Switzerland, but I figured that all nationalities come there to work. No big deal. But, still, how could a German not know about Leipzig. It’s not the biggest city, but I think it’s in the top 5.

I tried again and again. He seemed to be serious and not joking.

Finally, after about four more back-and-forth sessions, he said, “Do you mean Leipzig?” He pronounced it “LIPE-ZEEG”.

“Yes!” I exclaimed.

He gave me a little self-satisfied smile and signed my paperwork, sending me through…


Inside the Train Station

I think, as Americans, we are over-the-top interested in European train stations. I really enjoy them. I don’t know why… they just seem like really interesting places to be. This is part of the train station in Leipzig — the part after you get off the train and go into the shopping area.

Curiously, if you look at the large or original size, you can see taxi cabs driving through the inside of the mall. I do not have a full explanation for this.

Inside the Train Station


The Gestalt Coming and Going

I do love train stations in Europe!

I think each one has a personality of its own, and the gestalt is a function of the trains that come to visit. Leipzig wouldn’t be Leipzig if it never made a connection to Dresden. The stations really have no say in the matter and connections just get made on their own. It’s the natural order of things. Whatever it is about Dresden that makes it special becomes part of Leipzig, and vice versa.

This is from my upcoming LucisArt 6.0 tutorial… I’m still a-workin’ on it when my mind has moments of lucid thought.

The Gestalt of Coming and Going (by Stuck in Customs)


Summer in East Germany

This is the front of a cathedral in Leipzig… It was a very nice day… little cafes, pastry shops, and the like…

Summer in East Germany


The Wooden Hull of the German UBoat

I found this deep in Leipzig.
The Wooden Hull of the German UBoat


Leipzig Train Station

I recently arrived in Leipzig, Germany for the games show. Here is a shot from the train station.
Leipzig Train Station
