Hiking in Carmel – Stuck in Customs

Hiking in Carmel

Most Expensive Places in California for Living?

Is there a list of these somewhere?  I know Carmel is expensive… so is Atherton… and I can think of a handful of other places, but I wonder if there was an official list somewhere… that would be interesting!

Daily Photo – Hiking in Carmel

Just south of Carmel-by-the-Sea is a hiking trail that goes along the coast.  I went down at sunrise one morning to see what I could find.  The entrance to the trail was blocked by a gate, and there was no ranger in the little box-place where rangers stand.  I was bamboozled.  There was no way through or around.  I could have walked, but it looked like the road went on quite a ways before the parking lot.

So I waited until some other guy came along to let himself in.  I was parked a ways back, and so I got his attention from afar by grunting and raising my Nikon-on-tripod over my head like a sand raider — he got the message and waved me through.

Hiking in CarmelJust south of Carmel-by-the-Sea is a hiking trail that goes along the coast.  I went down at sunrise one morning to see what I could find.  The entrance to the trail was blocked by a gate, and there was no ranger in the little box-place where rangers stand.  I was bamboozled.  There was no way through or around.  I could have walked, but it looked like the road went on quite a ways before the parking lot.So I waited until some other guy came along to let himself in.  I was parked a ways back, and so I got his attention from afar by grunting and raising my Nikon-on-tripod over my head like a sand raider -- he got the message and waved me through.- Trey RatcliffRead the entire post at the Stuck in Customs blog.