80 Days – 8,000 Photos – Stuck in Customs

80 Days – 8,000 Photos

Stuck In Customs Facebook page

I’m happy to see so many of you over on the Stuck In Customs Facebook page. Join up and you can stay in touch over there too.

Free eBook still avail on Flatbooks.com

One of my latest offerings over at Flatbooks.com offers a free eBook to people that sign up for that newsletter. On our launch day the servers were crashed due to demand, ao we made some changes. Now, we can accept up to 30,000 downloads a day, so everything is more battle-ready. Sorry if you had a bad experience the first time. We do have a 24-hour support team that stands ready to help you, even with the free downloable ebook!

New Video: 80 Days – 8,000 Photos

So… I had an idea that I decided to execute on in my most recent round-the-world trip. Here it is. The name of the video pretty much tells the tale… so, rather then tell you what you are about to see and then show it to you, I’ll just show it to you. Enjoy!

1) I’ve gotten comments/tweets asking how I did all of this. Some may have guessed, but I will endeavor to create a “making of” video in the next month or so for you. It’s a very fun technique that anyone can do.
2) Many people have asked to stop on various photos to see them. I will be pulling out my favorites for future posts in high-res, but if you want to see now, you may have noticed that it’s hard on YouTube. Try the Vimeo version of the video, which is higher quality. You still can’t go frame-by-frame, but maybe it is a bit better quality.