Sorry for not answering email – and thanks for so many nice messages! – Stuck in Customs

Sorry for not answering email – and thanks for so many nice messages!

Sorry for not answering email - and thanks for so many nice messages!

Hey all my friends and fans and nice people out there that send email regarding photos! Thanks very much for all your emails, but things are to the point now where I just cannot respond in a timely manner. I get so many good questions and well wishes… you all certainly deserve a response, but I just don’t have time! I’m sure you understand.

My real life, as usual, is filled with John Galt Games… My day is about: 70% work, 20% family, 5% playing games, and 5% preparing a new picture to post on this site everyday. That leaves very little extra time to answer photo-related emails.

Also, I do read all the feedback on the photos – I appreciate it all. People ask questions all the time (mostly, like, how do you make these pictures???) – many of them can be answered by steering people to my HDR Tutorial – I hope it is helpful!

I am sure people think I am very rude… it is just too much incoming to keep up with. However, I will keep trying to post one great picture per day! I hope you keep coming back and enjoying them… just please understand that I just can’t respond to everyone.

Thanks again and I hope you all keep having fun with your cameras too!