Humayun’s Tomb – Stuck in Customs

Humayun’s Tomb

This is a photo of the Tomb of Humayun in Delhi. I arrived during Diwali, the biggest annual festival that involves a burning a lot of things. Most of the tombs, mausoleums, temples, and the like were surprisingly empty, giving me clean access to cool places like this without dopey tourists getting in the way of sweet photography.

Stuck in India - Humayun's Tomb

The news broadcasts are filled with showing families celebrating Diwali along with non-stop live on-the-scene action reporting from the grand opening of Om Shanti Om, the Bollywood film of the year starring the unconquerable Shahrukh Khan. From the previews I have seen, the movie seems to involve a lot of Shahkrukh with his shirt off in huge musical numbers and copious amounts of slow-mo water exploding off his coppered abs.

It is the next morning now and the air in Delhi is covered with the smoke from last night’s festivities… There is this acrid smell of stale carbon and it’s not exactly like a trip to Sedona. Luckily, I am getting out of the city today because my hosts have been kind enough to give me a ride up to Agra to visit the fort and Taj Mahal… more pictures coming soon, so stay tuned! 🙂