A visit to Oxysure – Stuck in Customs

A visit to Oxysure

A few days ago I went up to Frisco, Texas to check out a company called Oxysure. They have a very interesting technology that enables emergency oxygen to be delivered in a non-toxic way by mixing together two inert powders. It’s much better (and cheaper) than expensive oxygen tanks and much less toxic than flammable chemical options.

I went back into the lab to check it out.

This new invention has the potential of saving tens of thousands of lives per year all around the world, especially in China with their 10+ million miners (10K die per year there in mine accidents). It’s also going to be used a lot here in the US for cardiac arrest patients to get them oxygen while waiting on ambulances.

At the end of their investor’s presentation, they had a bullet point that says, “We save lives.” Ironically, my game company has a final bullet point that says, “We ruin lives (but they have fun during the ruin.)”