Now – Stuck in Customs


What am I doing right now?

  • Working on two AI projects and released a new art project to explore our relationship with AIs. I’m crankin’ on v2 /now.
  • Releasing some new psychedelic visual meditation fractals entitled Machine Elf, which is focused on creating content for consciousness.
  • Been playing with NFTs and just passed 1000ETH in total volume. It sounds like I know what I am doing, but I’m making it up as I go along! See more at
  • Recently became a citizen of New Zealand so I got my new Passport. The idea of having two Passports is bizarrely satisfying.
  • Launched a new audio podcast called “Molecules I’ve Ingested,” but still plan to add more episodes to “Trey’s 360 Podcast.”
  • Preparing for my 12th trip to Burning Man in a row…
  • Just updated my “Trey’s Recommendations” page with all sorts of goodies!

What’s a “now” page anyhoo?

A clever idea by Derek Sivers that he describes on his About Now page! It lets people see what you’re currently working on and excited about! (Better than an About page or FB Updates).