The Bay Beyond the Golden Gate – Stuck in Customs

The Bay Beyond the Golden Gate

London Workshop Announced!

Newsletter subscribers got this news a little early, and here it is for everyone else!

Many details of the London event are now on the HDR Workshop page. Registration is in exactly 6 days (next Monday) at 10 AM London Time. You may remember the last one sold out in 11 minutes, so be ready. That page will have the order form “switched on” at 10 AM sharp. This time, we are on Rackspace servers, so we should be able to handle the surge without crashing!

Daily Photo – The Bay Beyond the Golden Gate

This spot up on the mountain, just north of San Francisco, is a very windy spot! Even when you have a sturdy tripod, the wind can knock it around quite a bit. In this one, I had to set up to shoot and then stand in front of the tripod, curling my body around the lens to try to block the wind.

It was a 5-exposure HDR, and I affixed a wide-angle lens so I could get the Golden Gate bridge on the left and the setting sun on the right. The skies were nice enough to cooperate with a nice palette of colorful clouds to trail across the sky. I’m not a big fan of shooting in the wind… it puts me on-edge a little bit. I do quite enjoy that feeling of popping back into my car after the event. The clunk of the car door shutting and the lack of the sound of the wind… that is a nice feeling.

As far as HDR settings go, I wanted to juxtapose it with this other sunset photo below. In this one, I took 7 exposures from +3 to -3, mostly because I was shooting into the sun. It also left me with more possible frames to correct the “ghosting” problem from the waves. Does this make sense?