The Gaudi Cheesecake Factory – Stuck in Customs

The Gaudi Cheesecake Factory

New Newsletter Soon!

I’m working on a new newsletter that should come out soon… we have a cool new review and other goodies inside. We send out about one every month or so, and we put a ton of pretty photos in there… they are great fun to forward around to your friends and family so they can see what they are missing!

On average, our newsletter have a 125% open rate, which is pretty amazing. I think this is because people get them and forward along to other interested parties. Thanks so much! I never really thought newsletters would be so popular, but I’m glad they are… thx for letting me into your inbox!

Newsletter Sample

Want to see what it looks like? Here is Newsletter #21, one that went out a few months ago… it’s a pretty good example of what you’ll get soon.


Do you guys have any suggested newsletters that you receive on a regular basis? I figured that the interesting group of people that come here have some various interests that might have cool newsletters attached to them.

Daily Photo – The Gaudi Cheesecake Factory

I was stuck doing handheld shots all over this awesome Gaudi house because the PR staff would not let me use a tripod. They also said I was not allowed to post any photos of the house on my blog. I told them this was absolutely ridiculous and of course I would post photos on the blog. They said it was not ridiculous and I should really listen. I then said, “But everyone else is here taking photos and posting on Facebook and Flickr!, right?” And they said, “Oh, well, they shouldn’t be doing that either.”

Anyway, I just don’t deal well with that kind of insanity… I found this place to be quite beautiful, and I wanted to share it with you anyway. If you want to see it yourself, visit the CASA BATLLÓ in Barcelona. Oh, I know…. PR team at Gaudi… this is so terrible… #1 Travel Blog in the world showing a beautiful photo of your property and encouraging people to go… This really is as horrible as you imagined.<