Changed hotels – Stuck in Customs

Changed hotels

I missed my flight after that meeting, so I crashed here for the night at the Ritz-Carlton in Palm Beach. It’s called the Palm Beach one, but it was actually about 15 minutes away. The rooms were very nice and I spent most of the evening down in the bar, reading this new book I got called, “The Geography of Thought” that talks about how Asians think vs. how Westerners think.

It just so happened that I was at the hotel the same time as the South Florida Plastic Surgery convention, so I was surrounded at the bar by all these old plastic surgeons and their hot young botox buxom wives. They all were getting drunk and talking about all kinds of crazy stuff. They were talking about this one grandma that came in and they injected her with the knockout medicine, and she started talking openly about a bunch of crazy hardcore lesbian experiences and all the nurses were cracking up.

I heard a bunch more stories that I can’t talk about… but it was certainly more lewd than the gaming industry!

*(Pictures currently living a Craigslist “Casual Encounters” double life.)